
The St. Clair County Road Commission (SCCRC) is an independent financial entity. The Board of County Road Commissioners is responsible for adoption of an Annual Budget, and approval of all expenditures in accordance with accepted accounting principles applicable to governmental units. An annual audit is performed on the SCCRC by an independent audit firm and the results are provided to the Michigan Department of Treasury.

The SCCRC's principal source of funding is the Michigan Transportation Fund (MTF). This fund is supported by vehicle registration fees and the Michigan state gas tax. The SCCRC's allocation is based on a formula, which includes factors such as population, miles of certified roads and vehicle registration fees.

In addition to Michigan Transportation Funds, the SCCRC contracts with the Michigan Department of Transportation to maintain the State Trunklines within St. Clair County, and with each of the 23 Townships within the County for specific improvement projects. The SCCRC also receives federal and state grants for individual projects, and may receive contributions from private developers and other governmental entities for specific improvements. The SCCRC also receives revenues from a county-wide millage and also from permits and other fees.

The SCCRC has created a dashboard as a way to assist our residents in understanding the financial and operational demands placed upon us and our responses to t ever-changing demands. Please click on the below links to see what your Road Commission is doing to address these challenges
Michigan Dashboard (TAMC)

The Transportation Asset Management Council (TAMC) was established to expand the practice of asset management statewide to enhance the productivity of investing in Michigan's roads and bridges. Part of the TAMC's mission is to collect physical inventory and condition data on all roads and bridges in Michigan. TAMC is a legislated body of representatives from agencies who own roads or are responsible for road funding that coordinate the collection of the condition of federal-aid eligible roads and bridges, the collection of asset investment data and the reporting of the collected data and analysis to the Legislature and State Transportation Commission.

Asset Management
The State of Michigan has been actively pursuing Asset Management since 1998 when the Michigan Legislature established the ACT 51 Transportation Funding Committee. Continued support of Asset Management has occurred as the Legislature established the Transportation Asset Management Council in Act 499 of 2002, encouraged the use of Asset Management in decision processes through Act 338 of 2006, and continued to refine Asset Management in Michigan through act 199 of 2007. Asset Management, according to Public Act 199 of 2007, means an “ongoing process of maintaining, upgrading, and operating physical assets cost-effectively, based on a continuous physical inventory and condition assessment.” The implementation of asset management decision processes allow an agency to make the most prudent decisions for their transportation network with the best information they can collect. The process enables good stewardship, transparent decision processes, and measurable performance.

Current Budget

Act 51 Reporting 

2023 Annual County Presentation

2022 Annual Township Meeting Presentation

Financial Audit

Employment and Rates

Certificate of Compliance

FOIA Requests

Corrective Action

TitleVI Non-Discrimination

Limited English Proficiency Plan

Blue Cross/Blue Shield Transparency in Coverage