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St. Clair County Road Commission

TO: Jennifer Nelson, Brette Stager, Tonia Crawford, Andrew McNiff, Lisa Fiscelli,, Jerry Westrick & Bill Hazelton

FROM: Mike Clark

DATE: December 05, 2024


Due to a total deck replacement in 2024 the maximum load rating has been

Millard Road over N. Branch of Mill Creek (18-03L) in Lynn Twp.

Single Span Bridge 2940 ft south of intersection with Jeddo Road

Previous Posting

15 ton – Single
36 ton – Double
68 ton – Triple

New Posting

Current structure capacity is:

No Load Posting Required for All Legal Loads

Open to all normal traffic

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 11/15/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Kimball

Road: Ravenswood

Between: Richman & Burns

This section of Ravenswood will be closed to all traffic 11/18/2024-11/22/2024
Due to a culvert replacement project.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 10/28/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: China

Road: Springborn

Between: King & Marsh

This section of Springborn Road will be closed to all traffic starting at 8:00AM on 10/30/2024 until 3:00PM on 11/22/2024 due to a crossroad culvert replacement project.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 10/28/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Port Huron

Road: Henry Street

Between: Water Street & Relken

This section of Henry Street is closed to all traffic until 3:00PM on 10/31/2024
Due to concrete patch work on Water Street. (Water Street is a single lane closure)


St. Clair County Road Commission

TO: Jennifer Nelson, Brette Stager, Tonia Crawford, Andrew McNiff, Jerry Westrick & Bill Hazelton

FROM: Mike Clark

DATE: October 24, 2024


Due to advancing steel deterioration the following culvert’s maximum load rating has been decreased:

Keegan Road over Cowhy Drain (C40-T11) in Emmett Twp.

Previous Posting

      - NONE -

New Posting

Current structure capacity is:

10 ton Maximum Capacity for ALL Vehicles

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 10/22/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Riley

Road: Belleriver Road

Between: Mill Street & Braidwood Road

This section of Belleriver Road will have daytime closures 7:30AM-3:00PM Today, 10/22/2024 through Friday, 10/25/2024 due to a crossroad culvert replacement project.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 10/15/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: St. Clair

Road: Wadhams

Between: Rattle Run & Neuman

This section of Wadhams Road will be closed to all traffic starting at 7:30AM on 10/21/2024 until 3:30PM on 10/30/2024 due to a crossroad culvert replacement.

Press Release

DATE: 10/08/2023
FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: Michael J. Clark, PE (810) 388-4027

Frith Road between Richman Road and Pine River Road in St. Clair Township will be closed to traffic during the day from October 9th, 2024 until October 15th, 2024 for Soil Boring Operation at Bridge.

Access will be maintained to local traffic within the construction zone, including homes and businesses during the closure. Emergency vehicles will have access to local properties throughout the entire project. We request your cooperation and patience.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 10/07/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: China

Road: St. Clair Hwy

Between: King & Bree

This section of St. Clair Hwy will be closed to all traffic 10/14/2024 through 10/28/2024 due to a crossroad culvert extension and shoulder widening project.

Detour will be posted.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 10/04/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Lynn

Road: Capac

Between: Speaker & Yale

This section of Capac Road will be closed to all traffic due to Bridge Deck Repair
Starting 10/09/2024 @ 8:00AM until 10/16/2024 @ 3:00PM.

Press Release

DATE: September 23, 2024
FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: Jon Winckler, 810-364-5720

Winn Road from Yale Road to Bullock Road Construction to begin September 26, 2024.

Construction on Winn Road from Yale Road to Bullock Road is set to begin on September 26, 2024.

Work includes crushing/shaping/stabilizing existing asphalt, repaving roadway with asphalt and new aggregate shoulders.

Construction will be completed under a full road closure. Traffic will be detoured using Yale Road, Capac Road and Bullock Road.

Local traffic will be maintained within the construction zone, including to homes and businesses. Local residents and emergency vehicles will have access to local properties throughout the entire project. Local residents are encouraged to plan for delays due to construction. We request your cooperation and patience.

Construction is anticipated to take approximately 2 weeks. All scheduling and project dates are subject to change depending on weather.

The project is financed by the St. Clair County Road Commission at a total estimated cost for construction of $645,000

The prime contractor is Ace Saginaw Paving Co.

Press Release

DATE: September 19, 2024
FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: Jon Winckler, 810-364-5720

40th Street south of Lapeer Road and Thompson Park
Construction to begin September 23, 2024.

Construction on 40th street south of Lapeer Road and Thompson Park is set to begin on September 23, 2024.

Work includes crushing/shaping/stabilizing existing asphalt, repaving roadway with asphalt and new aggregate shoulders.

Construction will be completed under a full road closure.

Local traffic will be maintained within the construction zone, including to homes and businesses. Local residents and emergency vehicles will have access to local properties
throughout the entire project. Local residents are encouraged to plan for delays due to construction. We request your cooperation and patience.

Construction is anticipated to take approximately 1 week. All scheduling and project dates are subject to change depending on weather.

The 40th St project is financed by the St. Clair County Road Commission and Port Huron Township at a total estimated cost for construction of $69,000 and the Thompson Park Parking Lot project is financed by Port Huron Township at a total cost for construction of $52,000.

The prime contractor is Ace Saginaw Paving Co.

Construction Notice

September 17, 2024

UPDATE: Gratiot Phase B - OPEN 5pm
This project will be complete and open on Tuesday 9/17/24 by 5PM

Subject: Gratiot Road Construction – Wadhams Road to 1.3 miles west

The St. Clair County Road Commission will be reconstructing Gratiot Road from Wadhams Road to 1.3 miles west beginning approximately August 26, 2024.  Construction will consist of removing the existing asphalt pavement, rubblizing the underlying concrete, placing a new layer of aggregate base material, and repaving roadway with asphalt.  Some areas near Wadhams Road will have only have a layer of asphalt milled off and replaced.  Once complete, the configuration of the roadway will not change. 

Construction will be completed under a full road closure. The Contractor will detour Gratiot Road traffic for approximately 21 days.  During the closure, the Contractor will be permitted to work on Saturdays and Sundays in an effort to meet the completion deadline. Gratiot Road traffic will be detoured to Wadhams Road and Rattle Run Road.

Access will be maintained to local traffic within the construction zone, including homes and businesses, during construction.  Emergency vehicles will have access to local properties throughout the entire project. Local residents are encouraged to plan for delays due to construction. We request your cooperation and patience.

Jon Winckler
St. Clair County Road Commission

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 09/17/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Columbus

Road: Gratiot

Between: Mayer & Palms

This section of Gratiot will be closed to all traffic due to a Bridge Replacement 09/23/2024 until 10/15/2024.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 09/17/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Port Huron

Road: Campau @ Water Street Intersection

This Intersection is closed to through traffic due to Concrete Patch work until 09/30/24

Press Release

DATE: September 16, 2024
FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: Jon Winckler, 810-364-5720

Shortcut Road from 1700’ east of McKinley Road to 3100’ west of Marsh Road
Construction to begin September 17, 2024.

Construction on Shortcut Road from 1700’ east of McKinley Road to 3100’ west of Marsh Road in Cottrellville Township is set to begin on September 17, 2024.

Work includes crushing/shaping/stabilizing existing asphalt, repaving roadway with asphalt and new aggregate shoulders.

Construction will be completed under a full road closure. Traffic will be detoured using McKinley Road, Shea Road and Marsh Road.

Local traffic will be maintained within the construction zone, including to homes and businesses. Local residents and emergency vehicles will have access to local properties throughout the entire project. Local residents are encouraged to plan for delays due to construction. We request your cooperation and patience.

Construction is anticipated to take approximately 2 weeks. All scheduling and project dates are subject to change depending on weather.

This project is financed by the St. Clair County Road Commission and Cottrellville Township at a total estimated cost for construction of $195,000.

The prime contractor is Ace Saginaw Paving Co.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 09/16/2024

From: Lisa Fiscelli
Extension: 4017

Township: Mussey

Road: Martin

Between: Bryce & Roehl

This section of Martin Road will be closed to all traffic starting Monday, 09/16/2024 through Thursday, 09/19/2024 at 4:00PM due to a paving project near the RR tracks.

Press Release

DATE: September 10, 2024
FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: Jon Winckler, 810-364-5720

Wadhams Road from Fred Moore Highway to Puttygut Road
Construction to begin September 16, 2024.

Construction on Wadhams Road from Fred Moore Highway to Puttygut Road in China Township is set to begin on September 16, 2024.

Work includes crushing/shaping/stabilizing existing asphalt, repaving roadway with asphalt and new aggregate shoulders.

Construction will be completed under a full road closure. Traffic will be detoured using Fred Moore Highway, King Road and Puttygut Road.

Local traffic will be maintained within the construction zone, including to homes and businesses. Local residents and emergency vehicles will have access to local properties throughout the entire project. Local residents are encouraged to plan for delays due to construction. We request your cooperation and patience.

Construction is anticipated to take approximately 2 weeks. All scheduling and project dates are subject to change depending on weather.

This project is financed by the St. Clair County Road Commission at a total estimated cost for construction of $610,000.

The prime contractor is Ace Saginaw Paving Co.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 09/05/2024 *Revised* 9/11/2024

From: Lisa Fiscelli
Extension: 4017

Township: Greenwood

Road: Cribbins

Between: Yale & Comstock

This section of Cribbins Road will be closed to all traffic starting Monday, 09/09/2024 at 7:00AM through Friday, 09/13/2024 at 4:00PM due to an approach paving project.

*This project has been extended* Cribbins Road will remain closed until 12:00PM on Monday, 09/16/2024.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 09/05/2024 REVISED

From: Lisa Fiscelli
Extension: 4017

Township: China

Road: Indian Trail Road @ Springborn Road

The Intersection of Indian Trail and Springborn will be closed to all traffic starting Monday, 09/09/2024 through Thursday, 09/12/2024 due to a crossroad culvert replacement.

Press Release

DATE: 9/4/2024

Range Road at Yankee Road Roundabout Construction – Yankee Road East of Range Road to Close

Construction of a roundabout at Range Road and Yankee Road will shift traffic for the next stage of construction. As a result, Yankee Road east of Range Road will close through the remainder of the project. The detour route will be Davis Road to M-29. South bound traffic will continue to be maintained on Range Road from 1/4 mile north of Yankee Road to Brown Street, and north bound traffic will continue to be detoured Brown Street to M-29 to Davis Road with trucks detoured Fred Moore Hwy to Clinton Avenue to M-29 to Davis Road. Yankee Road west of Range Road will open to traffic.

Traffic will be maintained within the construction zone, including to homes and businesses. Local residents and emergency vehicles will have access to local properties throughout the entire project. Local residents are encouraged to plan for delays due to construction. We request your cooperation and patience.

Construction is scheduled to be completed late September 2024. All scheduling and project dates are subject to change depending on weather and the contractor’s schedule.

This project is financed by the St. Clair County Road Commission, the State of Michigan, and the Federal Highway Administration at a total estimated cost for construction of $1,043,000. The prime contractor is M.L. Chartier Excavating, Inc.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 08/06/2024 REVISED 8/26/24

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Kimball

Road: Wadhams Road @ I-69 Overpass

Due to Bridge Work-
Wadhams Road @ I-69 Overpass will be closed to all traffic starting Monday, 08/19/2024 through Monday, 08/26/2024. Ramps will remain open and a Detour will be posted.


Press Release

DATE: August 23, 2024
FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: Jon Winckler, 810-364-5720

Gratiot Road from County Line Road to Division Road Construction to begin July 29, 2024.

Construction on Gratiot Road from County Line Road to Division Road in Casco Township is set to begin on July 29, 2024.

Work includes asphalt pavement removal, cold milling, concrete rubblizing, new aggregate base, and repaving roadway with asphalt.

During construction, northbound or eastbound one way traffic will be maintained throughout the duration of the project. Southbound or westbound traffic will be detoured using Division
Road, Church Road and St. Clair Highway.

One lane of traffic will be maintained within the construction zone, including to homes and businesses. Local residents and emergency vehicles will have access to local properties
throughout the entire project. Local residents are encouraged to plan for delays due to construction. We request your cooperation and patience.

Construction is scheduled to be completed in 30 days. All scheduling and project dates are subject to change depending on weather.

This project is financed by the State of Michigan and the St. Clair County Road Commission at a total estimated cost for construction of $857,000.

The prime contractor is Teltow Contracting, Inc.

Press Release

DATE: August 22, 2024
FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: Jon Winckler, 810-364-5720

Belle River Road from the Memphis City Limits to Bordman Road Construction to begin August 26 , 2024.

Construction on Belle River Road from the Memphis City Limits to Bordman Road in Riley Township is set to begin on August 26, 2024.

Work includes new concrete curb and gutter, placing a new layer of aggregate base material, crushing/shaping/stabilizing existing asphalt and repaving roadway with asphalt. Some areas near Bordman Road and Mill St will be complete pavement removal with a new aggregate base and multiple lifts of asphalt.

Construction will be completed under a full road closure. Traffic will be detoured using Braidwood Road and Bordman Road.

Local traffic will be maintained within the construction zone, including to homes and businesses. Local residents and emergency vehicles will have access to local properties throughout the entire project. Local residents are encouraged to plan for delays due to construction. We request your cooperation and patience.

Construction is anticipated to be complete by late September. All scheduling and project dates are subject to change depending on weather.

This project is financed by the City of Memphis and the St. Clair County American Rescue Plan Act at a total estimated cost for construction of $475,000.

The prime contractor is Ace Saginaw Paving Co.

UPDATE: 9/24/24 - Belle River Road from the Memphis City Limits to Bordman Road is now open.

Construction Notice

DATE: 08/16/2024

Subject: Gratiot Road Construction – Wadhams Road to 1.3 miles west

The St. Clair County Road Commission will be reconstructing Gratiot Road from Wadhams Road to 1.3 miles west beginning approximately August 26, 2024. Construction will consist of removing the existing asphalt pavement, rubblizing the underlying concrete, placing a new layer of aggregate base material, and repaving roadway with asphalt. Some areas near Wadhams Road will have only have a layer of asphalt milled off and replaced. Once complete, the configuration of the roadway will not change.

Construction will be completed under a full road closure. The Contractor will detour Gratiot Road traffic for approximately 21 days. During the closure, the Contractor will be permitted to work on Saturdays and Sundays in an effort to meet the completion deadline. Gratiot Road traffic will be detoured to Wadhams Road and Rattle Run Road.

Access will be maintained to local traffic within the construction zone, including homes and businesses, during construction. Emergency vehicles will have access to local properties throughout the entire project. Local residents are encouraged to plan for delays due to construction. We request your cooperation and patience.

Jon Winckler
St. Clair County Road Commission

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 08/14/2024

From: Lisa Fiscelli
Extension: 4017

Township: Kenockee

Beard Road between Greenwood & Duce will be closed to all traffic starting Monday 8/19/24-8/23/24 due to a culvert replacement.

Beard Road between Duce & Kilgore will be closed to all traffic on Monday and Tuesday, 8/19/24 -8/20/24 for guardrail installation

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 08/06/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Kimball

Road: Wadhams Road @ I-69 Overpass

Due to Bridge Work-

Wadhams Road @ I-69 Overpass will be closed to all traffic starting Monday, 08/19/2024 through Monday, 08/26/2024. Ramps will remain open and a Detour will be posted.

Press Release

DATE: July 23, 2024

Range Road at Yankee Road Roundabout Construction starting July 29, 2024

Construction of a roundabout at Range Road and Yankee Road is scheduled to begin on July 29, 2024.

During construction, only south bound traffic will be maintained on Range Road from 1/4 mile north of Yankee Road to Brown Street. This pattern will be maintained for the duration of the project. The posted detour for north bound traffic will be Brown Street to M-29 to Davis Road, and trucks will be detoured Fred Moore Hwy to Clinton Avenue to M-29 to Davis Road. Yankee Road west of Range Road will be closed for approximately 3 weeks during the construction of the west half of the roundabout. The detour route will be Davis Road to Bartlett Road to Bowman Road.

Traffic will be maintained within the construction zone, including to homes and businesses. Local residents and emergency vehicles will have access to local properties throughout the entire project. Local residents are encouraged to plan for delays due to construction. We request your cooperation and patience.

Construction is scheduled to be completed early September 2024. All scheduling and project dates are subject to change depending on weather and the contractor’s schedule.

This project is financed by the St. Clair County Road Commission, the State of Michigan, and the Federal Highway Administration at a total estimated cost for construction of $1,043,000. The prime contractor is M.L. Chartier Excavating, Inc.

Press Release

DATE: July 23, 2024
FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: Jon Winckler, 810-364-5720

Gratiot Road from County Line Road to Division Road
Construction to begin July 29, 2024. 

Construction on Gratiot Road from County Line Road to Division Road in Casco Township is set to begin on July 29, 2024.

Work includes asphalt pavement removal, cold milling, concrete rubblizing, new aggregate base, and repaving roadway with asphalt.

During construction, northbound or eastbound one way traffic will be maintained throughout the duration of the project. Southbound or westbound traffic will be detoured using Division Road, Church Road and St. Clair Highway.

One lane of traffic will be maintained within the construction zone, including to homes and businesses. Local residents and emergency vehicles will have access to local properties throughout the entire project. Local residents are encouraged to plan for delays due to construction. We request your cooperation and patience.

Construction is scheduled to be completed in 30 days. All scheduling and project dates are subject to change depending on weather.

This project is financed by the State of Michigan and the St. Clair County Road Commission at a total estimated cost for construction of $857,000.

The prime contractor is Teltow Contracting, Inc.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 07/22/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Due to the Off-Shore Boat Races within the City of St. Clair

M-29 will be closed to all traffic July 24, 2024 @ 6:00 PM through July 29, 2024 @ 12:00 PM. Detour will be Posted: Brown, Carney, Fred Moore Hwy, King, St. Clair Hwy to Bree

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 06/04/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: St. Clair

Road: East Bound Yankee Road

Between: Range Road & Christian B Hass Drive

Due to the City of St. Clair Watermain Project East Bound Yankee Road is closed to all the through traffic until further notice.

They will have Detours Posted.

07/18/2024 - Yankee Road is open.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 07/12/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Burtchville

Road: State

Between: Harris & Jeddo

This section of State Road will be closed daily 7:00AM – 3:30PM starting on Monday, 07/15/2024 through Thursday, 07/18/2024 due to Road Prep for a Paving Project.

Emergency Vehicles will have access.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 07/01/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Kimball/ Port Huron

Road: Range Road @ Ashley Road

Per: CN Railroad

Range Road will be closed to all traffic 8:00AM on July 08, 2024 through 10:00AM on July 22, 2024 due to their Railroad Rehab Project.

Press Release

DATE: July 10, 2024
FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: Michael Clark, PE 810-364-5720

Bluebill Road over Unnamed Canal
Construction to begin July 15, 2024.

Construction on Bluebill Road Bridge over Unnamed Canal in Clay Township is set to begin on July 15, 2024. Work includes removing the entire existing bridge superstructure, placing
new steel tub girder superstructure with concrete deck, new guardrail, asphalt paving and site restoration.

Traffic will be reduced to one-lane and controlled by temporary traffic signals. Residents are requested to be patient because of the delays due to construction.

This project is financed by the Federal Highway Administration, State of Michigan, St. Clair County Road Commission and Clay Township at a total estimated cost for construction of $1,073,000.

The prime contractor is E.C. Korneffel Co.
The contract completion date is December 6, 2024.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 07/09/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Wales

Road: County Park drive

Between: Castor and Goodells

This section of County Park Drive will be closed to all traffic 07/13/2024 through 07/21/2024 for the 2024 St. Clair County 4H Youth Fair.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 07/08/2024

From: Lisa Fiscelli
Extension: 4017

Township: Kimball

Road: Henry

Between: Smiths Creek

The intersection at Henry and Smiths Creek will be closed to all traffic 8AM on July 8, 2024 through 3:00pm on July 15th 2024. Detours will be posted.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 07/01/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Kimball/ Port Huron

Road: Range Road @ Ashley Road

Per: CN Railroad

Range Road will be closed to all traffic 8:00AM on July 08, 2024 through 9:00AM on July 15, 2024 due to their Railroad Rehab Project.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 07/01/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Mussey

Road: Imlay City Road (Old M-21)

Between: Cade & Martin

This section of Imlay City Road will be closed to all traffic starting on Monday, 07/08/2024 for 2 weeks due to a crossroad culvert replacement project.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 5/30/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Greenwood

Road: Wilkes

Between: Brown & Bricker

This section of Wilkes Road will remain closed until further notice. Closure due to an over-turned semi-truck.

Advance Notice
Phragmites Control Program

St. Clair County Road Commission

The St. Clair County Road Commission will begin its 2024 Herbicide Phragmites Control Program on or after August 16, 2024. Program completion, subject to weather and/or operational factors, is expected by October 1, 2024.

The Daltons, Inc., with offices at 8857 North Syracuse-Webster Road, Syracuse, Indiana, is under contract to the St. Clair County Road Commission to perform phragmites control services in the road right-of-way on designated county roads in St. Clair County. The method of application will be land applied by truck mounted spray units.

The Road Commission Phragmites Control Program will involve the application of herbicides to phragmites. The Program will be implemented to improve visibility and safety for the vehicular traffic and/or pedestrians that use the county roads under the Road Commission’s jurisdiction.

The specific herbicide and specialty products utilized in this treatment will be as follows:

Product Name                           Active Ingredient                           Quantity mix/100 gallons of water
AquaPro or equivalent           Glyphosate 5.4                                1-1/2 gallons
Habitat or equivalent              Imazapyr 4 SL                                 1-1/2 gallons
Cygnet Plus or equivalent     Non-ionic Surfactant                     1 gallon
Dye                                               Amount necessary to determine coverage

This Advance Notice and information is being supplied in accordance with the Michigan Department of Agriculture, Regulation No. 637 Pre-Notification Requirement.

If a property owner prefers their property not be included for treatment, they must complete an application form for a “No Treatment Zone” permit from the Road Commission no later than August 2, 2024. As a condition of approval of this application, the property owner must agree to properly clear the road right-of-way abutting the subject property of phragmites and brush. Signs supplied by the Road Commission must be in place by August 9, 2024. Posted areas will be omitted from the Program only if the area is clear of phragmites and brush at the time of inspection by the Contractor and/or Road Commission personnel.

Technical information concerning this application may be requested by calling The Daltons, Inc. at 1-574-267-7511. Administrative and operational information may be obtained from the St. Clair County Road Commission Operations Department at 1-810-388-4025.

William J. Hazelton
Managing Director

The Times Herald
Publish July 1, 2024
Furnish Proof of Publication

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 6/17/2024

From: Lisa Fiscelli
Extension: 4017

Township: Emmett

Road: Keegan

Between: Rynn & Burt

This section of Keegan Road will be closed to all traffic 6/17/24 through 6/29/24 due to railroad repair.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 6/14/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: China

Road: St.Clair Hwy

Between: King & Indian Trail

This section of St. Clair Hwy will be closed to all traffic 05/21/2024- 06/14/2024

Due to a crossroad culvert replacement project.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 6/13/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Kimball

Road: Ravenswood Road @ Pine River Road Intersection

This intersection is closed to all traffic until Monday, 06/17/2024 @ 3:30PM Due to a Paving Project.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 6/12/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Greenwood

Road: Brown

Between: Norman & Oatman

This section of Brown Road will be closed to all traffic daily 7:00AM – 3:00PM today, 06/12/2024 through 06/14/2024.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 6/11/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Lynn

Martin Road between Dudley & Speaker Roads will be closed to all traffic 06/18/2024 through 06/21/2024 due to Bridge Work.

Fulton Road between Sterling & Kelly Roads will be closed to all traffic 06/18/2024 through 06/26/2024 due to Bridge Work.

Detours will be posted.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 6/11/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Fort Gratiot

Road: State Road

Between: Carrigan & Keewahdin

This section of State Road will be closed to all traffic 06/17/2024 through 07/01/2024 due to a culvert replacement project.

*This project has been Extended until 07/03/2024*

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 6/11/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Emmett

Road: Keegan

Between: Brandon & Burt

This section of Keegan Road will be closed to all traffic on June 17, 2024 through June 28, 2024 due to a Railroad Crossing replacement proiect per CN Railroad.

Detour will be Posted.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 6/4/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: St. Clair

Road: East Bound Yankee Road

Between: Range Road & Christian B Haas Drive

Due to the City of St. Clair Watermain Project East Bound Yankee Road is closed to all through traffic until further notice.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 5/30/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Greenwood

Road: Wilkes

Between: Brown & Bricker

This section of Wilkes Road will remain closed until further notice. Closure due to an over-turned semi-truck.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 5/28/2024

From: Lisa Fiscelli
Extension: 4017

Township: Greenwood

Road: Wilkes

Between: Brown & Bricker

This section of Wilkes Road will be closed to all traffic today, Tuesday 5/28/24 at 3:30 PM to all traffic and will remain closed until Friday 5/31/2024 at 4:00PM. Closure due to an over-turned semi-truck

Press Release

DATE: 5/14/2024

Reconstruction of the Marine City Highway and Bethuy Road
Intersection starting May 20, 2024.

Reconstruction of the intersection of Marine City Highway and Bethuy Road is scheduled
to begin on May 20, 2024.

Work will include adding a center left turn lane and right turn lanes on Marine City Highway to both the north and south legs of Bethuy Road.

During construction, both the north and south legs of Bethuy Road will be closed at Marine City Highway. Marine City Highway will be maintained in both directions with temporary traffic signals, and will be one lane only in the construction area. This pattern will be maintained for the duration of the project.

The posted detour for Bethuy Road is Arnold Road, County Line Road and Springborn Road.

Construction is scheduled to be completed in 30 days. All scheduling and project dates are subject to change depending on weather.

One lane of traffic will be maintained within the construction zone, including to homes and businesses. Local residents and emergency vehicles will have access to local properties throughout the entire project. Local residents are encouraged to plan for delays due to construction. We request your cooperation and patience.

This project is financed by the St. Clair County Road Commission, the State of Michigan, and the Federal Highway Administration at a total estimated cost for construction of $1,000,000. The prime contractor is Boddy Construction Company, Inc.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 5/14/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: China

Road: St.Clair Hwy

Between: King & Indian Trail

This section of St. Clair Hwy will be closed to all traffic 05/21/2024- 06/14/2024
Due to a crossroad culvert replacement project.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 5/2/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Berlin/Mussey/Emmett/Riley

Road: Burt

Between: I-69 & Capac Rd.

This section of Burt Road will be closed to all thru traffic starting at 7:00AM on
Sunday, May 05, 2024 through 5:00PM on Monday, May 13, 2024.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 4/11/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Ira Township

Road: Arnold

Between: Meldrum & Church

This section of Arnold Road will be closed to all traffic April 15, 2024 through May 03, 2024 due to a Crossroad Culvert Replacement and Road Widening Project.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 4/30/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Brockway

Road: Connell

Between: Wilkes & Norman

This section of Connell Road will be closed to all traffic starting May 06, 2024 through May 20, 2024 due to a Crossroad Culvert Replacement Project.

Detour will be Posted.


St. Clair County Road Commission

TO: Lisa Fiscelli, Tonia Crawford, Andrew McNiff, Jerry Westrick, Mike
Zoeplitz & Bill Hazelton

FROM: Mike Clark

DATE: April 29, 2024


Due to advancing steel culvert deterioration, the following structure’s
maximum load capacity has been decreased to a point of being unsafe:

Arnold Road over Beaubien Creek (9-06L) in Cottrellville Twp.
About 2800 feet east of Starville Road

Previous Posting

      - NONE -

New Posting

Current structure capacity is:

CLOSED TO All TRAFFIC – Starting Wednesday, 5/01/24 by 9 am.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 4/25/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Wales

Stapleton Road between Dunn Road & Webb Road will be closed to all traffic 04/30/2024 through 05/02/2024

Fox Road between Sparling Road & Webb Road will be closed to all traffic 05/01/2024 through 05/02/2024.

Asphalt Crushing and Shaping Projects

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 4/25/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Fort Gratiot
Road: Brace
Between: State & Parker

This section of Brace Road will be closed to all traffic starting at 7:00AM on 04/29/24 through 3:30PM on May 02, 2024 due to a crossroad culvert replacement.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 4/11/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Ira Township
Road: Arnold
Between: Meldrum & Church

This section of Arnold Road will be closed to all traffic April 15, 2024 through May 03, 2024 due to a Crossroad Culvert Replacement and Road Widening Project.

Marine City Highway and Palms Road Roundabout Construction

A virtual, online meeting to discuss the upcoming roundabout construction at Marine

City Highway and Palms Road has been scheduled. Project details and proposed
detours will be presented.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024
1:00 to 2:00 p.m.

Online: Click here to join on April 17 at 1 p.m.
Or call in (audio only): +16465588656,,9409749675#

Project Information:
The St Clair County Road Commission will be constructing a roundabout at Marine
City Highway and Palms Road to address safety issues with this intersection.
Construction is proposed for 2025.

Public Comment:
Public input is sought to address any public concerns that may result during
construction, and after the construction of the roundabout is complete.
A survey will be posted to our webpage shortly and will be open for comments until
April 22, 2024.

Range Road and Yankee Road Roundabout Construction

A virtual, online meeting to discuss the upcoming roundabout construction at Range Road and Yankee Road has been scheduled. Project details and proposed detours will be presented.

Thursday, March 14, 2024
1:00 to 2:00 p.m.

Online: Click here to join on March 14 at 1 p.m.
Or call in (audio only): +13092053325,,81423193726# US +13126266799,,81423193726#

Project Information:
The St Clair County Road Commission will be constructing a roundabout at Range Road and Yankee Road to address safety issues with this intersection. Construction is proposed for summer 2024.

Public Comment:
Public input is sought to address any public concerns that may result during construction, and after the construction of the roundabout is complete.

A survey has been posted to the website to gather project-related input, and also provide an opportunity to submit additional project-related questions and comments.
Comment period closes March 20, 2024

A recording of the meeting will be posted on our website shortly after.

Closure Notification

DATE: 2/9/2024

From:  Mike Clark

Township: Riley Twp.
Road: Hill Road over Moore Creek
Between: Stapleton & Kinney

Due to advancing steel culvert deterioration, the following structure’s

maximum load capacity has been decreased to a point of being unsafe.

CLOSED TO All TRAFFIC – Starting Monday, 2/12/24 by Noon

Please click here to view our 2024 Schedule of Board Meetings!

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 08/06/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Kimball

Road: Wadhams Road @ I-69 Overpass

Due to Bridge Work-

Wadhams Road @ I-69 Overpass will be closed to all traffic starting Monday, 08/19/2024 through Monday, 08/26/2024. Ramps will remain open and a Detour will be posted.

Press Release

DATE: July 23, 2024

Range Road at Yankee Road Roundabout Construction starting July 29, 2024

Construction of a roundabout at Range Road and Yankee Road is scheduled to begin on July 29, 2024.

During construction, only south bound traffic will be maintained on Range Road from 1/4 mile north of Yankee Road to Brown Street. This pattern will be maintained for the duration of the project. The posted detour for north bound traffic will be Brown Street to M-29 to Davis Road, and trucks will be detoured Fred Moore Hwy to Clinton Avenue to M-29 to Davis Road. Yankee Road west of Range Road will be closed for approximately 3 weeks during the construction of the west half of the roundabout. The detour route will be Davis Road to Bartlett Road to Bowman Road.

Traffic will be maintained within the construction zone, including to homes and businesses. Local residents and emergency vehicles will have access to local properties throughout the entire project. Local residents are encouraged to plan for delays due to construction. We request your cooperation and patience.

Construction is scheduled to be completed early September 2024. All scheduling and project dates are subject to change depending on weather and the contractor’s schedule.

This project is financed by the St. Clair County Road Commission, the State of Michigan, and the Federal Highway Administration at a total estimated cost for construction of $1,043,000. The prime contractor is M.L. Chartier Excavating, Inc.

Press Release

DATE: July 23, 2024
FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: Jon Winckler, 810-364-5720

Gratiot Road from County Line Road to Division Road
Construction to begin July 29, 2024. 

Construction on Gratiot Road from County Line Road to Division Road in Casco Township is set to begin on July 29, 2024.

Work includes asphalt pavement removal, cold milling, concrete rubblizing, new aggregate base, and repaving roadway with asphalt.

During construction, northbound or eastbound one way traffic will be maintained throughout the duration of the project. Southbound or westbound traffic will be detoured using Division Road, Church Road and St. Clair Highway.

One lane of traffic will be maintained within the construction zone, including to homes and businesses. Local residents and emergency vehicles will have access to local properties throughout the entire project. Local residents are encouraged to plan for delays due to construction. We request your cooperation and patience.

Construction is scheduled to be completed in 30 days. All scheduling and project dates are subject to change depending on weather.

This project is financed by the State of Michigan and the St. Clair County Road Commission at a total estimated cost for construction of $857,000.

The prime contractor is Teltow Contracting, Inc.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 07/22/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Due to the Off-Shore Boat Races within the City of St. Clair

M-29 will be closed to all traffic July 24, 2024 @ 6:00 PM through July 29, 2024 @ 12:00 PM. Detour will be Posted: Brown, Carney, Fred Moore Hwy, King, St. Clair Hwy to Bree

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 06/04/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: St. Clair

Road: East Bound Yankee Road

Between: Range Road & Christian B Hass Drive

Due to the City of St. Clair Watermain Project East Bound Yankee Road is closed to all the through traffic until further notice.

They will have Detours Posted.

07/18/2024 - Yankee Road is open.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 07/12/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Burtchville

Road: State

Between: Harris & Jeddo

This section of State Road will be closed daily 7:00AM – 3:30PM starting on Monday, 07/15/2024 through Thursday, 07/18/2024 due to Road Prep for a Paving Project.

Emergency Vehicles will have access.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 07/01/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Kimball/ Port Huron

Road: Range Road @ Ashley Road

Per: CN Railroad

Range Road will be closed to all traffic 8:00AM on July 08, 2024 through 10:00AM on July 22, 2024 due to their Railroad Rehab Project.

Press Release

DATE: July 10, 2024
FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: Michael Clark, PE 810-364-5720

Bluebill Road over Unnamed Canal
Construction to begin July 15, 2024.

Construction on Bluebill Road Bridge over Unnamed Canal in Clay Township is set to begin on July 15, 2024. Work includes removing the entire existing bridge superstructure, placing
new steel tub girder superstructure with concrete deck, new guardrail, asphalt paving and site restoration.

Traffic will be reduced to one-lane and controlled by temporary traffic signals. Residents are requested to be patient because of the delays due to construction.

This project is financed by the Federal Highway Administration, State of Michigan, St. Clair County Road Commission and Clay Township at a total estimated cost for construction of $1,073,000.

The prime contractor is E.C. Korneffel Co.
The contract completion date is December 6, 2024.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 07/09/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Wales

Road: County Park drive

Between: Castor and Goodells

This section of County Park Drive will be closed to all traffic 07/13/2024 through 07/21/2024 for the 2024 St. Clair County 4H Youth Fair.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 07/08/2024

From: Lisa Fiscelli
Extension: 4017

Township: Kimball

Road: Henry

Between: Smiths Creek

The intersection at Henry and Smiths Creek will be closed to all traffic 8AM on July 8, 2024 through 3:00pm on July 15th 2024. Detours will be posted.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 07/01/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Kimball/ Port Huron

Road: Range Road @ Ashley Road

Per: CN Railroad

Range Road will be closed to all traffic 8:00AM on July 08, 2024 through 9:00AM on July 15, 2024 due to their Railroad Rehab Project.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 07/01/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Mussey

Road: Imlay City Road (Old M-21)

Between: Cade & Martin

This section of Imlay City Road will be closed to all traffic starting on Monday, 07/08/2024 for 2 weeks due to a crossroad culvert replacement project.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 5/30/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Greenwood

Road: Wilkes

Between: Brown & Bricker

This section of Wilkes Road will remain closed until further notice. Closure due to an over-turned semi-truck.

Advance Notice
Phragmites Control Program

St. Clair County Road Commission

The St. Clair County Road Commission will begin its 2024 Herbicide Phragmites Control Program on or after August 16, 2024. Program completion, subject to weather and/or operational factors, is expected by October 1, 2024.

The Daltons, Inc., with offices at 8857 North Syracuse-Webster Road, Syracuse, Indiana, is under contract to the St. Clair County Road Commission to perform phragmites control services in the road right-of-way on designated county roads in St. Clair County. The method of application will be land applied by truck mounted spray units.

The Road Commission Phragmites Control Program will involve the application of herbicides to phragmites. The Program will be implemented to improve visibility and safety for the vehicular traffic and/or pedestrians that use the county roads under the Road Commission’s jurisdiction.

The specific herbicide and specialty products utilized in this treatment will be as follows:

Product Name                           Active Ingredient                           Quantity mix/100 gallons of water
AquaPro or equivalent           Glyphosate 5.4                                1-1/2 gallons
Habitat or equivalent              Imazapyr 4 SL                                 1-1/2 gallons
Cygnet Plus or equivalent     Non-ionic Surfactant                     1 gallon
Dye                                               Amount necessary to determine coverage

This Advance Notice and information is being supplied in accordance with the Michigan Department of Agriculture, Regulation No. 637 Pre-Notification Requirement.

If a property owner prefers their property not be included for treatment, they must complete an application form for a “No Treatment Zone” permit from the Road Commission no later than August 2, 2024. As a condition of approval of this application, the property owner must agree to properly clear the road right-of-way abutting the subject property of phragmites and brush. Signs supplied by the Road Commission must be in place by August 9, 2024. Posted areas will be omitted from the Program only if the area is clear of phragmites and brush at the time of inspection by the Contractor and/or Road Commission personnel.

Technical information concerning this application may be requested by calling The Daltons, Inc. at 1-574-267-7511. Administrative and operational information may be obtained from the St. Clair County Road Commission Operations Department at 1-810-388-4025.

William J. Hazelton
Managing Director

The Times Herald
Publish July 1, 2024
Furnish Proof of Publication

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 6/17/2024

From: Lisa Fiscelli
Extension: 4017

Township: Emmett

Road: Keegan

Between: Rynn & Burt

This section of Keegan Road will be closed to all traffic 6/17/24 through 6/29/24 due to railroad repair.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 6/14/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: China

Road: St.Clair Hwy

Between: King & Indian Trail

This section of St. Clair Hwy will be closed to all traffic 05/21/2024- 06/14/2024

Due to a crossroad culvert replacement project.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 6/13/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Kimball

Road: Ravenswood Road @ Pine River Road Intersection

This intersection is closed to all traffic until Monday, 06/17/2024 @ 3:30PM Due to a Paving Project.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 6/12/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Greenwood

Road: Brown

Between: Norman & Oatman

This section of Brown Road will be closed to all traffic daily 7:00AM – 3:00PM today, 06/12/2024 through 06/14/2024.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 6/11/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Lynn

Martin Road between Dudley & Speaker Roads will be closed to all traffic 06/18/2024 through 06/21/2024 due to Bridge Work.

Fulton Road between Sterling & Kelly Roads will be closed to all traffic 06/18/2024 through 06/26/2024 due to Bridge Work.

Detours will be posted.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 6/11/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Fort Gratiot

Road: State Road

Between: Carrigan & Keewahdin

This section of State Road will be closed to all traffic 06/17/2024 through 07/01/2024 due to a culvert replacement project.

*This project has been Extended until 07/03/2024*

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 6/11/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Emmett

Road: Keegan

Between: Brandon & Burt

This section of Keegan Road will be closed to all traffic on June 17, 2024 through June 28, 2024 due to a Railroad Crossing replacement proiect per CN Railroad.

Detour will be Posted.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 6/4/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: St. Clair

Road: East Bound Yankee Road

Between: Range Road & Christian B Haas Drive

Due to the City of St. Clair Watermain Project East Bound Yankee Road is closed to all through traffic until further notice.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 5/30/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Greenwood

Road: Wilkes

Between: Brown & Bricker

This section of Wilkes Road will remain closed until further notice. Closure due to an over-turned semi-truck.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 5/28/2024

From: Lisa Fiscelli
Extension: 4017

Township: Greenwood

Road: Wilkes

Between: Brown & Bricker

This section of Wilkes Road will be closed to all traffic today, Tuesday 5/28/24 at 3:30 PM to all traffic and will remain closed until Friday 5/31/2024 at 4:00PM. Closure due to an over-turned semi-truck

Press Release

DATE: 5/14/2024

Reconstruction of the Marine City Highway and Bethuy Road
Intersection starting May 20, 2024.

Reconstruction of the intersection of Marine City Highway and Bethuy Road is scheduled
to begin on May 20, 2024.

Work will include adding a center left turn lane and right turn lanes on Marine City Highway to both the north and south legs of Bethuy Road.

During construction, both the north and south legs of Bethuy Road will be closed at Marine City Highway. Marine City Highway will be maintained in both directions with temporary traffic signals, and will be one lane only in the construction area. This pattern will be maintained for the duration of the project.

The posted detour for Bethuy Road is Arnold Road, County Line Road and Springborn Road.

Construction is scheduled to be completed in 30 days. All scheduling and project dates are subject to change depending on weather.

One lane of traffic will be maintained within the construction zone, including to homes and businesses. Local residents and emergency vehicles will have access to local properties throughout the entire project. Local residents are encouraged to plan for delays due to construction. We request your cooperation and patience.

This project is financed by the St. Clair County Road Commission, the State of Michigan, and the Federal Highway Administration at a total estimated cost for construction of $1,000,000. The prime contractor is Boddy Construction Company, Inc.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 5/14/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: China

Road: St.Clair Hwy

Between: King & Indian Trail

This section of St. Clair Hwy will be closed to all traffic 05/21/2024- 06/14/2024
Due to a crossroad culvert replacement project.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 5/2/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Berlin/Mussey/Emmett/Riley

Road: Burt

Between: I-69 & Capac Rd.

This section of Burt Road will be closed to all thru traffic starting at 7:00AM on
Sunday, May 05, 2024 through 5:00PM on Monday, May 13, 2024.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 4/11/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Ira Township

Road: Arnold

Between: Meldrum & Church

This section of Arnold Road will be closed to all traffic April 15, 2024 through May 03, 2024 due to a Crossroad Culvert Replacement and Road Widening Project.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 4/30/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Brockway

Road: Connell

Between: Wilkes & Norman

This section of Connell Road will be closed to all traffic starting May 06, 2024 through May 20, 2024 due to a Crossroad Culvert Replacement Project.

Detour will be Posted.


St. Clair County Road Commission

TO: Lisa Fiscelli, Tonia Crawford, Andrew McNiff, Jerry Westrick, Mike
Zoeplitz & Bill Hazelton

FROM: Mike Clark

DATE: April 29, 2024


Due to advancing steel culvert deterioration, the following structure’s
maximum load capacity has been decreased to a point of being unsafe:

Arnold Road over Beaubien Creek (9-06L) in Cottrellville Twp.
About 2800 feet east of Starville Road

Previous Posting

      - NONE -

New Posting

Current structure capacity is:

CLOSED TO All TRAFFIC – Starting Wednesday, 5/01/24 by 9 am.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 4/25/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Wales

Stapleton Road between Dunn Road & Webb Road will be closed to all traffic 04/30/2024 through 05/02/2024

Fox Road between Sparling Road & Webb Road will be closed to all traffic 05/01/2024 through 05/02/2024.

Asphalt Crushing and Shaping Projects

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 4/25/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Fort Gratiot
Road: Brace
Between: State & Parker

This section of Brace Road will be closed to all traffic starting at 7:00AM on 04/29/24 through 3:30PM on May 02, 2024 due to a crossroad culvert replacement.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 4/11/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Ira Township
Road: Arnold
Between: Meldrum & Church

This section of Arnold Road will be closed to all traffic April 15, 2024 through May 03, 2024 due to a Crossroad Culvert Replacement and Road Widening Project.

Marine City Highway and Palms Road Roundabout Construction

A virtual, online meeting to discuss the upcoming roundabout construction at Marine

City Highway and Palms Road has been scheduled. Project details and proposed
detours will be presented.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024
1:00 to 2:00 p.m.

Online: Click here to join on April 17 at 1 p.m.
Or call in (audio only): +16465588656,,9409749675#

Project Information:
The St Clair County Road Commission will be constructing a roundabout at Marine
City Highway and Palms Road to address safety issues with this intersection.
Construction is proposed for 2025.

Public Comment:
Public input is sought to address any public concerns that may result during
construction, and after the construction of the roundabout is complete.
A survey will be posted to our webpage shortly and will be open for comments until
April 22, 2024.

Range Road and Yankee Road Roundabout Construction

A virtual, online meeting to discuss the upcoming roundabout construction at Range Road and Yankee Road has been scheduled. Project details and proposed detours will be presented.

Thursday, March 14, 2024
1:00 to 2:00 p.m.

Online: Click here to join on March 14 at 1 p.m.
Or call in (audio only): +13092053325,,81423193726# US +13126266799,,81423193726#

Project Information:
The St Clair County Road Commission will be constructing a roundabout at Range Road and Yankee Road to address safety issues with this intersection. Construction is proposed for summer 2024.

Public Comment:
Public input is sought to address any public concerns that may result during construction, and after the construction of the roundabout is complete.

A survey has been posted to the website to gather project-related input, and also provide an opportunity to submit additional project-related questions and comments.
Comment period closes March 20, 2024

A recording of the meeting will be posted on our website shortly after.

Closure Notification

DATE: 2/9/2024

From:  Mike Clark

Township: Riley Twp.
Road: Hill Road over Moore Creek
Between: Stapleton & Kinney

Due to advancing steel culvert deterioration, the following structure’s

maximum load capacity has been decreased to a point of being unsafe.

CLOSED TO All TRAFFIC – Starting Monday, 2/12/24 by Noon

Please click here to view our 2024 Schedule of Board Meetings!

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 08/06/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Kimball

Road: Wadhams Road @ I-69 Overpass

Due to Bridge Work-

Wadhams Road @ I-69 Overpass will be closed to all traffic starting Monday, 08/19/2024 through Monday, 08/26/2024. Ramps will remain open and a Detour will be posted.

Press Release

DATE: July 23, 2024

Range Road at Yankee Road Roundabout Construction starting July 29, 2024

Construction of a roundabout at Range Road and Yankee Road is scheduled to begin on July 29, 2024.

During construction, only south bound traffic will be maintained on Range Road from 1/4 mile north of Yankee Road to Brown Street. This pattern will be maintained for the duration of the project. The posted detour for north bound traffic will be Brown Street to M-29 to Davis Road, and trucks will be detoured Fred Moore Hwy to Clinton Avenue to M-29 to Davis Road. Yankee Road west of Range Road will be closed for approximately 3 weeks during the construction of the west half of the roundabout. The detour route will be Davis Road to Bartlett Road to Bowman Road.

Traffic will be maintained within the construction zone, including to homes and businesses. Local residents and emergency vehicles will have access to local properties throughout the entire project. Local residents are encouraged to plan for delays due to construction. We request your cooperation and patience.

Construction is scheduled to be completed early September 2024. All scheduling and project dates are subject to change depending on weather and the contractor’s schedule.

This project is financed by the St. Clair County Road Commission, the State of Michigan, and the Federal Highway Administration at a total estimated cost for construction of $1,043,000. The prime contractor is M.L. Chartier Excavating, Inc.

Press Release

DATE: July 23, 2024
FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: Jon Winckler, 810-364-5720

Gratiot Road from County Line Road to Division Road
Construction to begin July 29, 2024. 

Construction on Gratiot Road from County Line Road to Division Road in Casco Township is set to begin on July 29, 2024.

Work includes asphalt pavement removal, cold milling, concrete rubblizing, new aggregate base, and repaving roadway with asphalt.

During construction, northbound or eastbound one way traffic will be maintained throughout the duration of the project. Southbound or westbound traffic will be detoured using Division Road, Church Road and St. Clair Highway.

One lane of traffic will be maintained within the construction zone, including to homes and businesses. Local residents and emergency vehicles will have access to local properties throughout the entire project. Local residents are encouraged to plan for delays due to construction. We request your cooperation and patience.

Construction is scheduled to be completed in 30 days. All scheduling and project dates are subject to change depending on weather.

This project is financed by the State of Michigan and the St. Clair County Road Commission at a total estimated cost for construction of $857,000.

The prime contractor is Teltow Contracting, Inc.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 07/22/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Due to the Off-Shore Boat Races within the City of St. Clair

M-29 will be closed to all traffic July 24, 2024 @ 6:00 PM through July 29, 2024 @ 12:00 PM. Detour will be Posted: Brown, Carney, Fred Moore Hwy, King, St. Clair Hwy to Bree

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 06/04/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: St. Clair

Road: East Bound Yankee Road

Between: Range Road & Christian B Hass Drive

Due to the City of St. Clair Watermain Project East Bound Yankee Road is closed to all the through traffic until further notice.

They will have Detours Posted.

07/18/2024 - Yankee Road is open.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 07/12/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Burtchville

Road: State

Between: Harris & Jeddo

This section of State Road will be closed daily 7:00AM – 3:30PM starting on Monday, 07/15/2024 through Thursday, 07/18/2024 due to Road Prep for a Paving Project.

Emergency Vehicles will have access.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 07/01/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Kimball/ Port Huron

Road: Range Road @ Ashley Road

Per: CN Railroad

Range Road will be closed to all traffic 8:00AM on July 08, 2024 through 10:00AM on July 22, 2024 due to their Railroad Rehab Project.

Press Release

DATE: July 10, 2024
FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: Michael Clark, PE 810-364-5720

Bluebill Road over Unnamed Canal
Construction to begin July 15, 2024.

Construction on Bluebill Road Bridge over Unnamed Canal in Clay Township is set to begin on July 15, 2024. Work includes removing the entire existing bridge superstructure, placing
new steel tub girder superstructure with concrete deck, new guardrail, asphalt paving and site restoration.

Traffic will be reduced to one-lane and controlled by temporary traffic signals. Residents are requested to be patient because of the delays due to construction.

This project is financed by the Federal Highway Administration, State of Michigan, St. Clair County Road Commission and Clay Township at a total estimated cost for construction of $1,073,000.

The prime contractor is E.C. Korneffel Co.
The contract completion date is December 6, 2024.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 07/09/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Wales

Road: County Park drive

Between: Castor and Goodells

This section of County Park Drive will be closed to all traffic 07/13/2024 through 07/21/2024 for the 2024 St. Clair County 4H Youth Fair.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 07/08/2024

From: Lisa Fiscelli
Extension: 4017

Township: Kimball

Road: Henry

Between: Smiths Creek

The intersection at Henry and Smiths Creek will be closed to all traffic 8AM on July 8, 2024 through 3:00pm on July 15th 2024. Detours will be posted.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 07/01/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Kimball/ Port Huron

Road: Range Road @ Ashley Road

Per: CN Railroad

Range Road will be closed to all traffic 8:00AM on July 08, 2024 through 9:00AM on July 15, 2024 due to their Railroad Rehab Project.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 07/01/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Mussey

Road: Imlay City Road (Old M-21)

Between: Cade & Martin

This section of Imlay City Road will be closed to all traffic starting on Monday, 07/08/2024 for 2 weeks due to a crossroad culvert replacement project.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 5/30/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Greenwood

Road: Wilkes

Between: Brown & Bricker

This section of Wilkes Road will remain closed until further notice. Closure due to an over-turned semi-truck.

Advance Notice
Phragmites Control Program

St. Clair County Road Commission

The St. Clair County Road Commission will begin its 2024 Herbicide Phragmites Control Program on or after August 16, 2024. Program completion, subject to weather and/or operational factors, is expected by October 1, 2024.

The Daltons, Inc., with offices at 8857 North Syracuse-Webster Road, Syracuse, Indiana, is under contract to the St. Clair County Road Commission to perform phragmites control services in the road right-of-way on designated county roads in St. Clair County. The method of application will be land applied by truck mounted spray units.

The Road Commission Phragmites Control Program will involve the application of herbicides to phragmites. The Program will be implemented to improve visibility and safety for the vehicular traffic and/or pedestrians that use the county roads under the Road Commission’s jurisdiction.

The specific herbicide and specialty products utilized in this treatment will be as follows:

Product Name                           Active Ingredient                           Quantity mix/100 gallons of water
AquaPro or equivalent           Glyphosate 5.4                                1-1/2 gallons
Habitat or equivalent              Imazapyr 4 SL                                 1-1/2 gallons
Cygnet Plus or equivalent     Non-ionic Surfactant                     1 gallon
Dye                                               Amount necessary to determine coverage

This Advance Notice and information is being supplied in accordance with the Michigan Department of Agriculture, Regulation No. 637 Pre-Notification Requirement.

If a property owner prefers their property not be included for treatment, they must complete an application form for a “No Treatment Zone” permit from the Road Commission no later than August 2, 2024. As a condition of approval of this application, the property owner must agree to properly clear the road right-of-way abutting the subject property of phragmites and brush. Signs supplied by the Road Commission must be in place by August 9, 2024. Posted areas will be omitted from the Program only if the area is clear of phragmites and brush at the time of inspection by the Contractor and/or Road Commission personnel.

Technical information concerning this application may be requested by calling The Daltons, Inc. at 1-574-267-7511. Administrative and operational information may be obtained from the St. Clair County Road Commission Operations Department at 1-810-388-4025.

William J. Hazelton
Managing Director

The Times Herald
Publish July 1, 2024
Furnish Proof of Publication

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 6/17/2024

From: Lisa Fiscelli
Extension: 4017

Township: Emmett

Road: Keegan

Between: Rynn & Burt

This section of Keegan Road will be closed to all traffic 6/17/24 through 6/29/24 due to railroad repair.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 6/14/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: China

Road: St.Clair Hwy

Between: King & Indian Trail

This section of St. Clair Hwy will be closed to all traffic 05/21/2024- 06/14/2024

Due to a crossroad culvert replacement project.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 6/13/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Kimball

Road: Ravenswood Road @ Pine River Road Intersection

This intersection is closed to all traffic until Monday, 06/17/2024 @ 3:30PM Due to a Paving Project.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 6/12/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Greenwood

Road: Brown

Between: Norman & Oatman

This section of Brown Road will be closed to all traffic daily 7:00AM – 3:00PM today, 06/12/2024 through 06/14/2024.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 6/11/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Lynn

Martin Road between Dudley & Speaker Roads will be closed to all traffic 06/18/2024 through 06/21/2024 due to Bridge Work.

Fulton Road between Sterling & Kelly Roads will be closed to all traffic 06/18/2024 through 06/26/2024 due to Bridge Work.

Detours will be posted.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 6/11/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Fort Gratiot

Road: State Road

Between: Carrigan & Keewahdin

This section of State Road will be closed to all traffic 06/17/2024 through 07/01/2024 due to a culvert replacement project.

*This project has been Extended until 07/03/2024*

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 6/11/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Emmett

Road: Keegan

Between: Brandon & Burt

This section of Keegan Road will be closed to all traffic on June 17, 2024 through June 28, 2024 due to a Railroad Crossing replacement proiect per CN Railroad.

Detour will be Posted.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 6/4/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: St. Clair

Road: East Bound Yankee Road

Between: Range Road & Christian B Haas Drive

Due to the City of St. Clair Watermain Project East Bound Yankee Road is closed to all through traffic until further notice.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 5/30/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Greenwood

Road: Wilkes

Between: Brown & Bricker

This section of Wilkes Road will remain closed until further notice. Closure due to an over-turned semi-truck.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 5/28/2024

From: Lisa Fiscelli
Extension: 4017

Township: Greenwood

Road: Wilkes

Between: Brown & Bricker

This section of Wilkes Road will be closed to all traffic today, Tuesday 5/28/24 at 3:30 PM to all traffic and will remain closed until Friday 5/31/2024 at 4:00PM. Closure due to an over-turned semi-truck

Press Release

DATE: 5/14/2024

Reconstruction of the Marine City Highway and Bethuy Road
Intersection starting May 20, 2024.

Reconstruction of the intersection of Marine City Highway and Bethuy Road is scheduled
to begin on May 20, 2024.

Work will include adding a center left turn lane and right turn lanes on Marine City Highway to both the north and south legs of Bethuy Road.

During construction, both the north and south legs of Bethuy Road will be closed at Marine City Highway. Marine City Highway will be maintained in both directions with temporary traffic signals, and will be one lane only in the construction area. This pattern will be maintained for the duration of the project.

The posted detour for Bethuy Road is Arnold Road, County Line Road and Springborn Road.

Construction is scheduled to be completed in 30 days. All scheduling and project dates are subject to change depending on weather.

One lane of traffic will be maintained within the construction zone, including to homes and businesses. Local residents and emergency vehicles will have access to local properties throughout the entire project. Local residents are encouraged to plan for delays due to construction. We request your cooperation and patience.

This project is financed by the St. Clair County Road Commission, the State of Michigan, and the Federal Highway Administration at a total estimated cost for construction of $1,000,000. The prime contractor is Boddy Construction Company, Inc.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 5/14/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: China

Road: St.Clair Hwy

Between: King & Indian Trail

This section of St. Clair Hwy will be closed to all traffic 05/21/2024- 06/14/2024
Due to a crossroad culvert replacement project.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 5/2/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Berlin/Mussey/Emmett/Riley

Road: Burt

Between: I-69 & Capac Rd.

This section of Burt Road will be closed to all thru traffic starting at 7:00AM on
Sunday, May 05, 2024 through 5:00PM on Monday, May 13, 2024.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 4/11/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Ira Township

Road: Arnold

Between: Meldrum & Church

This section of Arnold Road will be closed to all traffic April 15, 2024 through May 03, 2024 due to a Crossroad Culvert Replacement and Road Widening Project.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 4/30/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Brockway

Road: Connell

Between: Wilkes & Norman

This section of Connell Road will be closed to all traffic starting May 06, 2024 through May 20, 2024 due to a Crossroad Culvert Replacement Project.

Detour will be Posted.


St. Clair County Road Commission

TO: Lisa Fiscelli, Tonia Crawford, Andrew McNiff, Jerry Westrick, Mike
Zoeplitz & Bill Hazelton

FROM: Mike Clark

DATE: April 29, 2024


Due to advancing steel culvert deterioration, the following structure’s
maximum load capacity has been decreased to a point of being unsafe:

Arnold Road over Beaubien Creek (9-06L) in Cottrellville Twp.
About 2800 feet east of Starville Road

Previous Posting

      - NONE -

New Posting

Current structure capacity is:

CLOSED TO All TRAFFIC – Starting Wednesday, 5/01/24 by 9 am.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 4/25/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Wales

Stapleton Road between Dunn Road & Webb Road will be closed to all traffic 04/30/2024 through 05/02/2024

Fox Road between Sparling Road & Webb Road will be closed to all traffic 05/01/2024 through 05/02/2024.

Asphalt Crushing and Shaping Projects

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 4/25/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Fort Gratiot
Road: Brace
Between: State & Parker

This section of Brace Road will be closed to all traffic starting at 7:00AM on 04/29/24 through 3:30PM on May 02, 2024 due to a crossroad culvert replacement.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 4/11/2024

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Ira Township
Road: Arnold
Between: Meldrum & Church

This section of Arnold Road will be closed to all traffic April 15, 2024 through May 03, 2024 due to a Crossroad Culvert Replacement and Road Widening Project.

Marine City Highway and Palms Road Roundabout Construction

A virtual, online meeting to discuss the upcoming roundabout construction at Marine

City Highway and Palms Road has been scheduled. Project details and proposed
detours will be presented.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024
1:00 to 2:00 p.m.

Online: Click here to join on April 17 at 1 p.m.
Or call in (audio only): +16465588656,,9409749675#

Project Information:
The St Clair County Road Commission will be constructing a roundabout at Marine
City Highway and Palms Road to address safety issues with this intersection.
Construction is proposed for 2025.

Public Comment:
Public input is sought to address any public concerns that may result during
construction, and after the construction of the roundabout is complete.
A survey will be posted to our webpage shortly and will be open for comments until
April 22, 2024.

Range Road and Yankee Road Roundabout Construction

A virtual, online meeting to discuss the upcoming roundabout construction at Range Road and Yankee Road has been scheduled. Project details and proposed detours will be presented.

Thursday, March 14, 2024
1:00 to 2:00 p.m.

Online: Click here to join on March 14 at 1 p.m.
Or call in (audio only): +13092053325,,81423193726# US +13126266799,,81423193726#

Project Information:
The St Clair County Road Commission will be constructing a roundabout at Range Road and Yankee Road to address safety issues with this intersection. Construction is proposed for summer 2024.

Public Comment:
Public input is sought to address any public concerns that may result during construction, and after the construction of the roundabout is complete.

A survey has been posted to the website to gather project-related input, and also provide an opportunity to submit additional project-related questions and comments.
Comment period closes March 20, 2024

A recording of the meeting will be posted on our website shortly after.

Closure Notification

DATE: 2/9/2024

From:  Mike Clark

Township: Riley Twp.
Road: Hill Road over Moore Creek
Between: Stapleton & Kinney

Due to advancing steel culvert deterioration, the following structure’s

maximum load capacity has been decreased to a point of being unsafe.

CLOSED TO All TRAFFIC – Starting Monday, 2/12/24 by Noon

Zoom Information for 2024 Annual Bids 

St. Clair County RC is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: 2024 Annual Bids - Opening
Time: Jan 9, 2024 01:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 885 4221 3760

Revised Road Closure Dates

DATE: 12/18/2023

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: St. Clair
Road: Vine Street
Between: Kennedy & Hurst

This section of Vine will be closed to all traffic starting at 8:00AM on Thursday, 12/14/2023 through 3:30PM on Wednesday, 12/20/2023 due to a culvert replacement project. This project has been extended due to weather.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 12/11/2023

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: St. Clair
Road: Vine Street
Between: Kennedy & Hurst

This section of Vine will be closed to all traffic starting at 8:00AM on Thursday, 12/14/2023 through 4:00PM on Monday, 12/18/2023 due to a culvert replacement project.

Revised Road Closure Dates

DATE: 12/07/2023

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: St. Clair
Road: Gratiot
Between: Wadhams and Bartlett

This section of Gratiot will remain closed to all traffic until December 15, 2023 due to a crossroad culvert replacement.

Revised- Road Closure Notification

DATE: 11/29/2023

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Columbus
Road: Northbound Palms Closed @ Gratiot

Northbound Palms @ Gratiot curb repair project has been delayed. The new projected completion date is now Monday, 12/04/2023.

Road Closure Update

DATE: 11/28/2023

Norman Road between M-25 and Lorraine has been closed since 10/19/2023 due to a Culvert Replacement project.

This project is now complete and Norman Road is open to traffic.

Special Meeting Notice

DATE: 11/22/2023

To Whom It May Concern:

NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to the provisions of Act 267, Public Acts of Michigan 1976, that a SPECIAL meeting of the BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE COUNTY OF ST. CLAIR has been scheduled for Monday, November 27, 2023, at 10:00 am at the St. Clair County Road Commission's Central Service Center, 21 Airport Drive, St. Clair.

The official minutes of meetings are stored and available for inspection at the above address.

Annual Bids for 2024 

DATE: 11/16/2023

The Annual Bids for 2024 have been posted. Sealed bids will be received at the office of the Board of County Road Commissioners of the County of St. Clair, 21 Airport Drive, St. Clair, Michigan 48079, until 1:00 p.m., TUESDAY, JANUARY 9, 2024.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 11/14/2023

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: St. Clair
Road: Gratiot
Between: Wadhams and Bartlett

This section of Gratiot will be closed to all traffic Thursday, November 16, 2023 through Friday, December 08, 2023 due to a crossroad culvert replacement.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 11/13/2023

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Columbus
Road: Northbound Palms Closed @ Gratiot

Northbound Palms Closed @ Gratiot starting on Tuesday, November 14, 2023 Through Wednesday November 22, 2023 due to a curb repair project.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 11/13/2023

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Greenwood
Road: Oatman
Between: Fargo & Duce

This section of Oatman Road will be closed to all traffic until Friday, 11/17/2023 due to Road Work.


DATE: November 9th, 2023
FOR INFORMATION, CONTACT: Michael J. Clark, PE (810) 388-4027

King Road between Belle River Road and Recor Road in China Township will be OPEN to traffic Saturday, November 11th, 2023

Work included removing the entire existing bridge superstructure, placing new steel beam superstructure with concrete deck, new guardrail, asphalt paving, and site restoration.

This project is financed by the St. Clair County Road Commission, State of Michigan and the Federal Highway Administration at a total estimated cost of construction at $2,500,000.

The work was performed by Miller LS Bridge Construction.

Road Closure Notification

Date: 11/08/23

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Clyde
Road: Wildcat
Between: M-136 & McIntyre

This section of Wildcat Road has been closed to traffic since 11/3/2023 due to a Milling and Paving Project. The work is now complete and Wildcat Rd is open to traffic.

Board Meeting Notice

To Whom It May Concern:

NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to the provisions of Act 267, Public Acts of Michigan 1976, that the REGULAR meeting of the ST. CLAIR COUNTY BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS and the BOARD OF COUNTY ROAD COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF ST. CLAIR scheduled for Tuesday, November 7, 2023, at 1:00 pm have been RESCHEDULED for Monday, November 6, 2023 at 1:00 pm at the St. Clair County Road Commission's Central Service Center, 21 Airport Drive, St. Clair.

The official minutes of meetings are stored and available for inspection at the above address.

Road Closure Notification

Date: 11/02/23

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Clyde
Road: Wildcat
Between: M-136 & McIntyre

This section of Wildcat Road will be closed starting at 7:00AM on 11/3/2023
through 4:00PM on 11/10/2023 due to a Milling and Paving Project.

Road Closure Notification

Date: 10/30/23

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Columbus
Road: Northbound Palms Closed @ Gratiot

Northbound Palms Closed @ Gratiot starting on Monday, November 06, 2023 through Monday, November 13, 2023 due to a curb repair project.

Road Closure Notification

Date: 10/19/23

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Burtchville
Road: Norman Rd
Between: M-25 and Lorraine

This section of Norman Road is closed to all traffic until further notice due to a
Culvert Replacement Project.

Road Closure Notification

Date: 10/16/23

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Fort Gratiot
Road: State Rd
Between: Metcalf Rd. and Cole Rd.

This section of State Road has been closed since 10/4/23. This is a full closure until 10/23/2023 due to a culvert replacement in the area.

Road Closure Update

Date: 10/13/23

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Wales Township
Road: Cove Road
Between: Masters & Green

This section of Cove Road has been closed since 08/21/2023 due to a Bridge Replacement project. Work is now complete and Cove Road is open to traffic.


*Press Release*

DATE: October 13th, 2023
FOR INFORMATION, CONTACT: Michael J. Clark, PE (810) 388-4027

County Park Drive between Goodells Road and Castor Road in Wales Township is OPEN to traffic today, October 13th, 2023.

Work includes removing the entire existing bridge superstructure, placing new steel beam superstructure with concrete deck, new guardrail, asphalt paving, and site restoration.

This project is financed by the St. Clair County Road Commission, State of Michigan Bridge and the Federal Highway Administration at a total estimated cost of construction at $671,000.

The work was performed by Z Contractors, Inc


Road Closure Update

Date: 10/5/23

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: China
Road: Wadhams
Between: Fred Moore Hwy & St Clair Hwy

This project has been completed early. Wadhams Road is now open to traffic.


*Press Release*


DATE: October 4th, 2023

FOR INFORMATION, CONTACT: Michael J. Clark, PE (810) 388-4027


 Church Road between Division Road and St. Clair Highway in Casco Township to OPEN to traffic today, October 4th, 2023.

 Work included removal of existing arch pipes and replacing with an aluminum box culvert, road approach work and guardrail.

This project is financed by the Casco Township, St. Clair County Road Commission, the State of Michigan, and the Federal Highway Administration at a total estimated cost for construction of $1,077,400.00.

The prime contractor was Superior Contracting Group.

Road Closure Notification

Date: 10/03/23

From: Brette Stager
Extension: 4017

Township: Fort Gratiot Twp.
Road: State Rd.
Between: South of Metcalf Rd.

State Rd. will be closed just south of Metcalf Rd. starting 10/4/23. This will be a full closure for approximately 2 weeks, due to a culvert replacement in the area.     


Road Closure Notification

Date: 9/28/23

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: China
Road: Wadhams
Between: Fred Moore Hwy & St Clair Hwy

This section of Wadhams Road will be closed to all traffic starting at 7:30AM on Monday, October 02, 2023 until 3:30PM on Thursday, October 05, 2023 due to a Crossroad culvert replacement.           


Road Closure Notification

Date: 9/18/23

From: Brette Stager
Extension: 4017

Township: Lynn Twp
Road: Speaker Rd
Between: Mason & Kelly

Speaker Rd will be closed starting today 9/18/23, and will be closed through Friday 9/22/23 due to Bridge Repair in the area. This will be a full road closure.

*Press Release*


DATE: September 8th, 2023

FOR INFORMATION, CONTACT: Jennifer Nelson, 810-364-5720


Marsh Road Shoulder Improvements is scheduled to begin September 11, 2023

Shoulder improvements on Marsh Road from Arnold Road to Plank Road is scheduled to begin on September 11, 2023.

Work will include widening and paving the existing gravel shoulders and ditch cleanout. This work will be completed with daytime lane closures utilizing flaggers.

Access will be maintained to all traffic during the project. Local residents are encouraged to plan for delays due to construction. We request your cooperation and patience.

Construction is anticipated to be complete by the end of September. All scheduling and project dates are subject to change depending on weather and the contractor’s schedule.

This project is financed by the St. Clair County Road Commission, the State of Michigan, and the Federal Highway Administration at a total estimated cost for construction of $175,000. The prime contractor is James P Contracting, Inc.

Press Release


DATE: September 7th, 2023

FOR INFORMATION, CONTACT: Justin Rose, 810-364-5720


M29 Asphalt Mill and Overlay is scheduled to begin September 12th, 2023.

Rehabilitation work on M29 from Clinton Ave to Jay St. is scheduled to begin on September 12th, 2023.

Work will include milling the top layer of asphalt and placing a new top course of asphalt. This work will be completed with daytime lane closures utilizing flaggers.

Access will be maintained to traffic within the construction limits during the project. Local residents are encouraged to plan for delays due to construction. We request your
cooperation and patience.

Construction is anticipated to be complete by the end of the day. All scheduling and project dates are subject to change depending on weather and the contractor’s schedule.

This project is financed by the State of Michigan at a total estimated cost for construction of $147,410. The prime contractor is Ace-Saginaw Paving Company.

Press Release


DATE: September 7th, 2023

FOR INFORMATION, CONTACT: Justin Rose, 810-364-5720


Breen Road Construction is scheduled to begin September 11th, 2023.

Road Base Crushing and Shaping and asphalt paving work on Breen Road from Burt Road to Bryce Road is scheduled to begin on September 11th, 2023.

Work will include Base Crushing and Shaping, injecting liquid asphalt binder, and placing two inches of asphalt and Aggregate Shoulders. This work will be completed under a detour and full road closure within the construction influence area.

Local traffic will be allowed access and maintained within the construction limits during the project. Local residents are encouraged to plan for delays due to construction. We request your cooperation and patience.

Construction is anticipated to be complete by September 29th, 2023. All scheduling and project dates are subject to change depending on weather and the contractor’s schedule.

This project is financed by the St. Clair County Road Commission at a total estimated cost
for construction of $634,000. The prime contractor is Ace-Saginaw Paving Company.


Road Closure Notification

Date: 8/30/23

From: Brette Stager
Extension: 4017

Township: China Twp.
Road: Wadhams Rd
Between: Puttygut and Indian Trail

Wadhams Rd will be closed starting Monday 9/11/23 at 7:00am through Thursday 9/14/23 at 4:00pm, due to crossroad culvert replacements in the area. This will be a full road closure.

Road Closure Notification

Date: 8/30/23

From: Brette Stager
Extension: 4017

Township: Grant
Road: Graham Rd
Between: Oatman & Hewitt

Bridge replacement closure has been extended through 9/14/23.

Road Closure Notification

Date: 8/30/23

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Riley
Road: Belle River
Between: Eagling & Braidwood

This section of Belle River Road will be closed to all traffic 6:30AM on 9/6/2023 through 4:00PM on 9/18/2023 due to a crossroad culvert replacement.

Revised - Road Closure Notification

Date: 8/30/23

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Wales
Road: Cove
Between: Masters & Green

This section of Cove Road will remain closed to all traffic until further notice due to Bridge Replacement.

Revised - Road Closure Notification

Date: 8/30/23

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Kimball
Road: Wadhams
Between: Griswold & I-69

This section of Wadhams Road will now remain closed to all traffic until 8/31/2023 @ 4:00PM due to a crossroad culvert replacement near the RR Tracks.

Road Closure Update

Date: 8/29/23

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Burtchville
Road: Jeddo 
Between: M-25 & State Road

Jeddo Road has been closed since 7/24/2023 due to a Bridge Project.

Work is now complete and Jeddo Road is open to traffic.

Road Closure Notification

Date: 8/17/23

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Emmett

Road: Breen
Between: Rynn & Bryce (Old M21)

Per: CN Railroad this section of Breen Road will be closed to all traffic due to repairs 08/21/2023 through 08/26/2023.

Road Closure Notification

Date: 8/15/23

From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Grant

Road: Graham
Between: Oatman & Huett

Graham Road will be closed due to Bridge Replacement 8/21/2023- 9/7/2023.

Road Closure Notification


Date: 8/3/23

From: Brette Stager
Extension: 4017
Township: China Twp.

Road: Belle River Rd.
Between: Mckinley & Puttygut

Belle River Rd will be closed for a crossroad culvert replacement and road-widening
project in the area. This will be closed to all traffic starting Monday 8/7/23, and will
last until Wednesday 8/30/2023 until 4:00 p.m.

Road Closure Notification

DATE: 8/2/23

From: Brette Stager
Extension: 4017
Township: Kenockee Twp.

Road: Beard Rd.
Between: Kilgore & Duce

Beard will be closed for a Crossroad Culvert replacement project to all traffic until Monday August 7th at 4pm

Press Release


FOR INFORMATION, CONTACT: Michael J. Clark, PE (810) 388-4027

County Park Drive between Goodells Road and Castor Road in Wales Township will be closed to traffic from July 31st, 2023 until the week of October 16th, 2023 for Bridge Replacement.

Work includes removing the entire existing bridge superstructure, placing new steel beam superstructure with concrete deck, new guardrail, asphalt paving, and site restoration.

Access will be maintained to local traffic within the construction zone, including homes,  businesses and the county park during the closure.  Emergency vehicles will have access to local properties throughout the entire project.  Access across Pine River on County Park Drive will NOT be permitted.  Local residents are encouraged to plan for delays due to construction.  We request your cooperation and patience.

This project is financed by the St. Clair County Road Commission, State of Michigan Bridge and the Federal Highway Administration at a total estimated cost of construction at $671,000.  The work will be performed by Z Contractors Inc.

This project is financed by the St. Clair County Road Commission, State of Michigan Bridge and the Federal Highway Administration at a total estimated cost of construction at $2,500,000. The work will be performed by Miller LS Bridge Construction

Press Release


FOR INFORMATION, CONTACT: Michael J. Clark, PE (810) 388-4027

King Road between Belle River Road and Recor Road in China Township will be closed to traffic until the week of December 13th, 2023 for Bridge Replacement.

Work includes removing the entire existing bridge superstructure, placing new steel beam superstructure with concrete deck, new guardrail, asphalt paving, and site restoration.

Access will be maintained to local traffic within the construction zone, including homes and businesses, during the closure. Emergency vehicles will have access to local properties throughout the entire project. Access across Belle River on King Road will NOT be permitted. Local residents are encouraged to plan for delays due to construction. We request your cooperation and patience.

This project is financed by the St. Clair County Road Commission, State of Michigan Bridge and the Federal Highway Administration at a total estimated cost of construction at $2,500,000. The work will be performed by Miller LS Bridge Construction

Road Closure Notification

Date: 7/20/23
From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Riley
Road: Bordman
Between: Stinson Road & City Limits of Memphis

This section of Boardman Road will be closed to all traffic starting on 7/24/2023 for
2 weeks due to a Bridge Project.

Road Closure Notification

Date: 7/19/23
From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Due to the Off Shore Boat Races within the City of St. Clair
M-29 will be closed to all traffic July 26, 2023 @ 6:00 PM through July 31, 2023 @
12:00 PM. Detour will be Posted: Brown, Carney, Fred Moore Hwy, King, St.Clair
Hwy to Bree

Road Closure Notification

Date: 7/19/23
From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Burtchville
Road: Jeddo
Between: M-25 & State

This section of Jeddo Road will be closed to all traffic starting on 7/24/2023 for approximately 3 weeks due to a Bridge Project.

Road Closure Notification

Date: 7/11/23
From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Wales
Road: County Park Drive
Between: Castor and Goodells

This section of County Park Drive will be closed to all traffic 7/16/2023 through 7/23/2023 for the 2023 St. Clair County 4H Youth Fair.

Advance Notice Phragmites Control Program

The St. Clair County Road Commission will begin its 2023 Herbicide Phragmites Control Program on or after August 16, 2023.  Program completion, subject to weather and/or operational factors, is expected by October 1, 2023. 

The Daltons, Inc., with offices at 8857 North Syracuse-Webster Road, Syracuse, Indiana, is under contract to the St. Clair County Road Commission to perform phragmites control services in the road right-of-way on designated county roads in St. Clair County.  The method of application will be land applied by truck mounted spray units. 

The Road Commission Phragmites Control Program will involve the application of herbicides to phragmites.    The Program will be implemented to improve visibility and safety for the vehicular traffic and/or pedestrians that use the county roads under the Road Commission’s jurisdiction.

The specific herbicide and specialty products utilized in this treatment will be as follows:

Product Name                                  Active Ingredient      Quantity mix/100 gallons of water

AquaPro or equivalent                    Glyphosate 5.4                     1-1/2 gallons            

Habitat or equivalent                       Imazapyr 4 SL                      1-1/2 gallons            

Cygnet Plus or equivalent              Non-ionic Surfactant           1 gallon                     

Dye                                                     Amount necessary to determine coverage

This Advance Notice and information is being supplied in accordance with the Michigan Department of Agriculture, Regulation No. 637 Pre-Notification Requirement.

If a property owner prefers their property not be included for treatment, they must complete an application form for a “No Treatment Zone” permit from the Road Commission no later than August 2, 2023.  As a condition of approval of this application, the property owner must agree to properly clear the road right-of-way abutting the subject property of phragmites and brush.  Signs supplied by the Road Commission must be in place by August 9, 2023.  Posted areas will be omitted from the Program only if the area is clear of phragmites and brush at the time of inspection by the Contractor and/or Road Commission personnel.

Technical information concerning this application may be requested by calling The Daltons, Inc. at 1-574-267-7511.  Administrative and operational information may be obtained from the St. Clair County Road Commission Operations Department at 1-810-388-4025. 

                                                                        William J. Hazelton

                                                                        Managing Director


The Times Herald

Publish July 3, 2023

Furnish Proof of Publication

Road Closure Notification

Date: 7/5/23
From: Brette Stager
Extension: 4017

Township: Riley Twp.
Road: Belle River Rd
Between: Braidwood Rd & Eagling Rd

Belle River Rd will be closed starting today 7/5/23 and will stay closed until 7/12/23 at 3:30 pm, due to a crossroad culvert replacement project in the area. This will be a full closure to all traffic.

Road Closure Notification

Date: 06/29/2023
From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 40217

Township: Port Huron
Road: West Water
Between: Range & Beach

This section of West Water will be closed to all traffic starting 7:00AM on Wednesday, 7/5/2023 through 3:00PM on Friday, 7/7/2023 due to a culvert replacement project.

Press Release

For Immediate Release
Date: 06/23/2023
Information Contact: Michael J. Clark, PE (810) 388-4027

Sperry Road between Terry Road and Belle River Road in Berlin Township is OPEN to traffic today, June 23th, 2023.

Work included removal of existing concrete bridge deck and replacing with a new concrete deck, road approach paving and guardrail.

This project is financed by the Berlin Township, St. Clair County Road Commission, the State of Michigan, and the Federal Highway Administration at a total estimated cost for construction of $743,500.

The prime contractor was Z Contractors, Inc.

Press Release

For Immediate Release
Date: 06/20/2023
Information Contact: Justin Rose, 810-364-5720

24th Street Asphalt Mill and Overlay is scheduled to begin June 21st, 2023

Rehabilitation work on 24th Street from north of Dove Road to Lapeer Road is scheduled
to begin on June 21st, 2023.

Work will include milling the top layer of pavement and placing a new top course of
asphalt. Two-way traffic will be maintained throughout construction, with occasional
flagging operations for construction traffic.

Access to all businesses and streets will be maintained to traffic within the construction
limits during the project. Local residents are encouraged to plan for delays due to
construction. We request your cooperation and patience.

Construction is anticipated to be complete by mid-July. All scheduling and project dates
are subject to change depending on weather and the contractor’s schedule.

This project is financed by the St. Clair County Road Commission, the State of Michigan,
and the Federal Highway Administration at a total estimated cost for construction of
$625,882. The prime contractor is Ace-Saginaw Paving Company.


St. Clair County Road Commission

TO:  Justin Rose, Brette Stager, Tonia Crawford, Andrew McNiff, Jerry
Westrick & Bill Hazelton

FROM: Mike Clark

DATE: June 19, 2023


Due to advancing steel deterioration the following culvert’s maximum load
rating has been decreased:

Minnestoa Road over Bunce Creek #6 (C08-T20) in Port Huron Twp.

Twin large culverts 35 feet south of intersection with Peavey Street

Previous Posting

      - NONE -

New Posting

Current structure capacity is:

10 ton – Single
14 ton – Double
26 ton – Triple

Advance Notice Weed and Brush Control Program

St. Clair County Road Commission

The St. Clair County Road Commission will begin its 2023 Herbicide Weed and Brush
Control Program on or after June 15, 2023. Program completion, subject to weather
and/or operational factors, is expected by August 1, 2023.

The Daltons, Inc., with offices at 8857 N. Syracuse-Webster Road, Syracuse, Indiana, is
under contract to the St. Clair County Road Commission to perform weed and brush
control services in the road right-of-way on designated county roads in St. Clair County.
The method of application will be land applied by truck mounted spray units.

The Road Commission Weed and Brush Control Program will involve the application of
herbicides to weeds and brush at and around guardrails. The Program will be
implemented to improve visibility of guardrail and safety for the vehicular traffic and/or
pedestrians that use the county roads under the Road Commission’s jurisdiction.

Press Release

For Immediate Release
Date: 06/05/2023
FInformation Contact: Justin Rose, 81-364-5720

Comstock Road Asphalt Mill and Overlay is scheduled to begin June 13th, 2023

Rehabilitation work on Comstock Road from Graham Road east to Gibbons Road, south
to Burtch Road and east to Wildcat Road is scheduled to begin on June 13th, 2023.

Work will include milling the top layer of asphalt and placing a new top course of asphalt.
This work will be completed with daytime lane closures utilizing flaggers.

Access will be maintained to traffic within the construction limits during the project.
Local residents are encouraged to plan for delays due to construction. We request your
cooperation and patience.

Construction is anticipated to be complete by June 30th, 2023. All scheduling and project
dates are subject to change depending on weather and the contractor’s schedule.

This project is financed by the St. Clair County Road Commission, the State of Michigan,
and the Federal Highway Administration at a total estimated cost for construction of
$386,400. The prime contractor is Ace-Saginaw Paving Company.

Road Closure Notification

Date: 06/05/2023
From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Columbus
Road: Bauman Road
Between: Meskill & Crawford

Bauman Road is closed to all traffic until 3:00PM on June 19, 2023 due to a Bridge Replacement.

Road Closure Notification

Date: 05/25/2023
From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Columbus
Road: Dolan Road @ Bauman Road

This intersection will be closed to all traffic 6:00AM on Tuesday, May 30, 2023 through 5:00PM on Friday, June 02, 2023 due to a crossroad culvert replacement.

Press Release

DATE: April 19th, 2023
INFORMATION CONTACT: Michael J. Clark, PE (810) 388-4027

Sperry Road between Terry Road and Belle River Road in Berlin
Township will be closed to traffic starting the week of April 24th, 2023.

Work includes removal of existing concrete bridge deck and replacing with a new
concrete deck, road approach paving and guardrail.

Sperry Road will be closed for approximately 60 consecutive days starting tentatively on
April 24th, 2023. Estimated completion date is June 23rd 2023. A detour will be posted
during the closure of Sperry Road. The detour will be using Belle River Road to Capac
Road to Terry Road.

Access will be maintained for local traffic within the construction limits during the
closure. Emergency Vehicles will have access to local properties throughout the entire
project. Access across the Belle River on Sperry Road will NOT be permitted. Local
residents are encouraged to plan for delays due to construction. We request your
cooperation and patience.

This project is financed by the St. Clair County Road Commission, the State of Michigan,
and the Federal Highway Administration at a total estimated cost for construction of
$743,500. The prime contractor is Z Contractors, Inc.

Board Meeting Notice

To Whom It May Concern:

NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to the provisions of Act 267, Public Acts of Michigan 1976, that the REGULAR meeting of the ST. CLAIR COUNTY BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS and the BOARD OF COUNTY ROAD COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF ST. CLAIR scheduled for Tuesday, April 18, 2023, have been RESCHEDULED from 6 pm to  11:00 am at the St. Clair County Road Commission's Central Service Center, 21 Airport Drive, St. Clair.

The official minutes of meetings are stored and available for inspection at the above address. 

Board Meeting Notice

To Whom It May Concern:

NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to the provisions of Act 267, Public Acts of Michigan 1976, that the REGULAR meeting of the ST. CLAIR COUNTY BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS and the BOARD OF COUNTY ROAD COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF ST. CLAIR scheduled for Tuesday, March 21, 2023, at 6:00 pm have been RESCHEDULED for Monday, March 20, 2023 at 6:00 pm at the St. Clair County Road Commission's Central Service Center, 21 Airport Drive, St. Clair.

The official minutes of meetings are stored and available for inspection at the above address. 

Road Closure Notification

Date 02/14/2023
From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Ira
Road: Arnold Road
Between: Hessen & Meldrum

Guardrail has been replaced. Arnold Road is now open to traffic.

Road Closure Notification

Date 02/09/2023
From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Ira
Road: Arnold Road
Between: Hessen & Meldrum

Arnold Road is closed approx. 400’ West of Hessen Road until further notice due to
Guardrail damage.

Board Meeting Notice

To Whom It May Concern:

NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to the provisions of Act 267, Public Acts of Michigan 1976, that the REGULAR meeting of the ST. CLAIR COUNTY BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS and the BOARD OF COUNTY ROAD COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF ST. CLAIR scheduled for Tuesday, February 21, 2023, at 6:00 pm have been RESCHEDULED for Monday, February 20, 2023 at 12:00 noon at the St. Clair County Road Commission's Central Service Center, 21 Airport Drive, St. Clair.

The official minutes of meetings are stored and available for inspection at the above address. 

Road Closure Notification

Date 02/07/2023
From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Emmett
Road: Breen
Between: Rynn & Bryce (Old M21)

Breen Road will be open to traffic by 5:00 PM on Wednesday, 02/08/2023. This
section has been closed to all traffic due to an Emergency Railroad Crossing Repair
by: CN Railroad.

Road Closure Notification

Date 01/31/2023
From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Emmett
Road: Breen
Between: Rynn & Bryce (Old M21)

Per: CN Railroad Breen Road is closed to all traffic until further notice due to an
Emergency Railroad Crossing Repair.

Once we receive notification from CN that repairs are complete a notice will be sent

Road Closure Notification

Date 01/31/2023
From: Tonia Crawford
Extension: 4021

Township: Kimball
Road: Range
Between: Griswold & I-94

This section of Range Road is closed to all traffic until Saturday, 02/04/2023 @ 5:00PM due to Emergency Railroad track repair by CN Railroad



TO: Justin Rose, Brette Stager, Tonia Crawford, Andrew McNiff, Jerry
Westrick & Bill Hazelton

FROM: Mike Clark

DATE: January 17, 2023


Due to advancing steel deterioration the following culvert’s maximum load
rating has been decreased:

Sullivan Road over Lynn-Mussey Drain (C03-T19) in Mussey Twp.

Twin culverts 25 feet west of intersection with Burton Road

Previous Posting

      - NONE -

New Posting

Current structure capacity is:

15 ton – Single
26 ton – Double
35 ton – Triple



TO: Justin Rose, Brette Stager, Tonia Crawford, Andrew McNiff, Jerry Westrick & Bill Hazelton

FROM: Mike Clark

DATE: January 05, 2023


Due to construction to totally replace the bridge, the load posting is no longer needed:

Gratiot Road over Belle River (8-10P) in Columbus Twp.

Bridge is 790 feet West of Bauman Road

>Previous Posting

28 ton – Single

30 ton – Double

36 ton - Triple

NEW Posting

Current structure capacity is:

No Load Posting Required for All Legal Loads Open to all normal traffic

Road Closure Notification

Date: 10/03/23

From: Brette Stager
Extension: 4017

Township: Fort Gratiot Twp.
Road: State Rd.
Between: South of Metcalf Rd.

State Rd. will be closed just south of Metcalf Rd. starting 10/4/23. This will be a full closure for approximately 2 weeks, due to a culvert replacement in the area.